- Common Good - Common Ground - Common Sense
- Pro-Life for the Whole Life
- Pro-Family
- Social Justice
- Freedom of Religion
- Pro-Community
- Localized Government
- Human Dignity
- Pro-Peace
- Pro-Marriage
- Pro-Environment
Dr. James G. Hanink was the 2022 candidate for California governor who supports the common good by finding common ground across California's diverse citizenry, and using common sense. He is a member of the American Solidarity Party but is running in the gubernatorial race as an independent. Dr. Hanink is pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage, and supports freedom of religion from needless government intrusion. He is for social justice, pro-community, pro-human-dignity, pro-environment, and pro-peace. Last but not least, he supports localized government where communities can decide for themselves instead of being forced to accept state or federal values and decisions.
See the latest Gubernatorial debate with Dr. Hanink!
Respect for Human Life
To protect the lives of the unborn, the American Solidarity Party is working for the overturn of Roe v Wade. While this battle is being fought at the national level, we Californians must do our part by restricting abortion to the extent that is constitutionally legal.
- Restrict nurse midwives and other non-physician medical professionals from performing abortions.
- Institute waiting periods and counseling requirements to offer mothers resources to weigh their alternatives.
- Strengthen health and safety codes and shut down facilities that don't meet proper standards.
- Oppose increased access to abortion such as efforts to mandate that college campuses make them available.
- Ensure that the California Board of Registered Nursing approves of classes for nurses on Abortion Pill Reversal (APR).
Capital Punishment
- Repeal the death penalty in exchange for life in prison without the possibility of parole. Aside from the death penalty being barbaric, each execution on average has cost California tax payers $308,000,000. In comparison, life in prison averages $400,000.
Assisted Suicide
- Repeal California's End of Life Option Act.
Marriage and Family
- Introduce laws that protect religious institutions, small businesses, and private individuals from civil or criminal liability for refusing to participate in activities contrary to their belief in marriage as a secure union of one man and one woman.
- Introduce and strengthen tax incentives that promote marriage and raising children.
Economic Participation
- Support economic policies that expand opportunities for the poor, and rebuilding and supporting a vibrant middle class, the erosion of which is a fundamental threat to our democracy.
- A fair and progressive tax system that ends subsidies and exemptions which disproportionately benefit the wealthy.
Stewardship of the Environment
- Institute or increase taxes on natural resource consumption while decreasing income taxes for a net zero tax change for the average consumer. Heavy polluters will have an overall increase in tax liability, while environmentally conscious citizens realize a tax savings.
- Protect our water via environmentally sustainable management practices.
Civic Engagement
- End the state lottery and replace it with privately run prize-linked savings accounts, to encourage people to save more.
- Alternative methods of voting in primaries and elections in order to make governing bodies more accurately reflect broad candidate choice. These include, but are not limited to: approval voting, range voting, and ranked choice voting.
Justice in the Workplace
- Protect our state's workplace rights, including legal protection for occupational safety and compensation, equal access to employment, good faith in hiring and retention, and paid leave for illness and family care.
- Subsidized preschool, based on financial need.
- Support the right of families to choose the best methods for educating their children, be they public, charter, private, parochial or home-based education.
- Offer tax credit programs that give families the practical means to choose the form of education they prefer.
- Public funds for private education options, by means determined at the state or local level, provided equitable funding of public education is safeguarded.
- Measurable educational standards that preserve the freedom of teachers to design curricula appropriate to the needs of their students within general parameters set by local authorities.
- Oppose tuition hikes in public higher education.
- A generous policy of welcoming immigrants fleeing persecution and violent conflict within their countries of origin, including a call for the United States to fulfill its obligations under international law in regards to the treatment of refugees and those fleeing inhumane conditions.
- Providing safety and opportunity for all immigrants who currently reside within California, including equal access to driving privileges and higher education.
Personal Security and Criminal Justice
- Reform the war on drugs by enforcing strict punishments on drug dealers but treat drug abuse and drug addiction as a medical issue instead of a criminal justice issue.
- End the three-strikes law.
Jim Hanink, having aged-out of wage-slavery at a So Cal uni, is an independent scholar. He writes and edits and organizes (chiefly his garage) in Inglewood. With his wife Elizabeth, he has long been engaged in pro-life for the whole of life activities. Sundays find the two savvy seniors “at home,” usually with 15 or so representative family members. PTL! Mondays are recuperative.
"As the California gubernatorial recall election is now set to take place, regardless of how one votes on the question of whether to recall Governor Newsom or not, I strongly encourage people to support Dr. James G. Hanink for Governor of California, in the event that Newsom is recalled. Dr. Hanink, a former professor from Loyola Marymount University, is a champion of the respect for the lives and dignity for all human beings from conception to natural death. I first met Dr. Hanink Facebook in relation to his activities with the American Solidarity Party, a new party being built around the value of Catholic Social Teaching (CST) and since then have encountered him on multiple occasions in his work of promoting respect for life at events like OneLife LA. He is well-connected in the pro-life movement, is highly knowledgable about the issues that affect our state, and works tirelessly to protect the rights of all human beings. Without any hesitation, I resoundingly endorse Dr. James G. Hanink for governor of California. Just look past his corny jokes."
-- Desmond Silveira, 2018 candidate for governor for California
"Jim Hanink will bring to the governorship of California what has eluded the two party system for many years: a true politics of the common good that is inclusive of the people whose interests are most often slighted: the homeless, the unborn, and the immigrant. A rare combination of intellectual and activist, Hanink will bring moral wisdom, grounded in solidarity and justice, to California's most important problems. Hanink for governor!"
-- Dr. Daniel Philpott, Professor of Political Science, University of Notre Dame
"I'm honored to endorse Dr. James Hanink as the American Solidarity Party's candidate for the office of Governor of the State of California. James is not only a strong leader and thinker, but he's among the finest men I know. California will thrive under his leadership."
-- Dr. Sebastian Mahfood, OP, publisher of En Route Books and Media and professor of interdisciplinary studies at Holy Apostles College & Seminary, Cromwell, CT
"Dr. James Hanink is one of the most intelligent and also caring individuals I have ever met in my whole life."
-- Dr. Ronda Chervin, Ph.D, emerita Professor of Philosophy, author of numerous books and TV and Radio Presenter